Friday, March 20, 2020

Maintain energy during a long shift

Maintain energy during a long shift Is your typical workday more like a marathon than a short sprint? If you have a job with long work shifts- longer than the usual 9 to 5 workday- you’re not alone. A wide range of jobs, from nursing to truck driving and firefighting and many more, require workers to put in longer than average workdays. That’s a long time to have to be alert and at the top of your game. But fear not- there are ways to maintain your energy during a long shift. Make the most of the following strategies for staying sharp and keeping your edge in the face of a long day of work.Plan out your diet, exercise, and sleep.You need to prepare for a long shift well before the shift even starts. This includes getting a minimum of eight hours of restful sleep (keep those phones and other devices far out of grabbing range while in bed). Go to bed too late, or worse- lay in bed for hours on your phone, tablet, or laptop before closing your eyes- and you’ll surely be struggling to get through a lon g work shift the following day. The National Safety Council recently put out a study on fatigue in the workplace  that found that 43% of people don’t get enough sleep. Are you one of them?Maintaining a regular balanced diet is also a powerful way to keep your energy levels high and consistent- this includes what you eat when you’re off duty as well as on the job. Make sure that your diet includes plenty of high-quality protein and vegetables, and try to keep processed foods, refined carbs, and sugar to a minimum. Why is this so important? A diet high in protein helps your body maintain a consistent and reliable level of energy throughout the day. A diet high in sugar and refined carbs (think white bread, pastries, candy, and sugary sodas) will cause your blood sugar and energy levels to peak and plummet as the day drags on- like a rollercoaster. Ask yourself: Would you do your best work on a flat, even surface or on a rollercoaster?There are times when it’s ea sier than others to make healthy eating choices. Hunting for a work snack to give yourself some fuel during a long shift can be especially tricky. You may have a vending machine full of candy close by or a work kitchen full of sugary treats, but resist- and prepare! Be sure to pack some healthy snacks (fruits, nuts, and veggies are a better choice) and you’ll be setting yourself up for a solid energy boost that’ll get you through the workday.Many people have the wrong idea about exercise- they think it’s an energy drainer, and that working out will only make you tired when you’re through. However, the opposite is true! A fit and active lifestyle that includes plenty of exercise on a regular basis will help kick your metabolism into overdrive and boost your energy levels- perfect for getting through those long work shifts. Start small- try taking regular long walks and building upon your exercise routine a little at a time.Prep your workspace.A comfortable yet functional workspace designed to keep your energy levels consistently high will help you get through long work shifts. If you work at a desk, try to avoid a too-cushy office chair that makes you want to take a nap every time you sit down, and keep the energy-draining work distractions on your desk to a minimum. If you’re on your feet most of the time, be sure to wear comfortable shoes and make time to take regular seat breaks when feasible.The key here is balance- you want to create a balanced mix of comfort and functionality where you’re not sitting idly the entire time or on your feet for 12 hours straight. Also, flexibility is important- keep what works and change what doesn’t. Trial and error is an excellent tool to learn and plan, and a well-thought-out work area will help you stay energized during a long shift.Keep your brain alert and think positively.A healthy and alert brain will help keep you upbeat and energized throughout a long work shift. Keep your brain actively engaged in whatever work tasks you’re responsible for. Maintaining a checklist of action items that you need to take care of during your work shift can really help you stay focused, and as you check completed items off your list you’ll get a boost of positive vibes knowing that you’re taking care of business!When you feel yourself slipping, take a break. Strategic work breaks, even if it’s just for a few minutes to take a deep breath, stretch, and clear your head, can make a world of difference when you’re facing a long work shift. Don’t just push forward- this will have a negative effect on your overall energy level and mood.Never forget the power of positivity when you’re on a long work shift. Positive thoughts lead to positive actions- and positive work results! Actively thinking good thoughts, creating a positive mantra that you can repeat to yourself, and keeping items that elicit positive feelings or memorie s in your workspace (like photos or souvenirs of trips you’ve taken) are excellent ways to keep yourself upbeat and lively while you work.It can be a real struggle to get through a long work shift and stay alert and at the top of your game- add in all the other things going on in your life that eat away at your time and energy and you may be facing an uphill battle. However, if you employ the strategies mentioned here you’ll start to see positive changes before long, and soon that uphill climb of a long work shift will seem like little more than an easy-to-manage step!

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

How to be a good mentor

How to be a good mentor Those of us who have had the opportunity to have a good professional mentor as we travel through our career paths are well aware of the value they bring- this includes everything from support, encouragement, and motivation; to opening new doors; to networking and job opportunities. The bottom line is that a good mentor is really worth their weight in gold.   That said, others among us have learned that some people who find themselves in a position to be mentors are really not well-suited for the role and can even do more harm than good. A bad mentor can hold you back from new opportunities and career advancement, set you off on a trajectory that isn’t right for you, and even sour you on an industry entirely.Clearly, the role of a mentor isn’t one to be taken lightly. It’s a tremendous responsibility, and one that could potentially give you a great deal of power and influence over someone in need of real advice, molding, and guidance. If you’re making a c onscious decision to become a mentor to someone junior to you in your field, make sure that you enter the role with every intention of being a positive influence. Consider using the following strategies to get started on the right foot.3 rules to being a strong mentorDon’t feel threatenedHere’s the raw truth when it comes to most mentor/mentee relationships: you’re helping to train the next generation of workers in your field, and they’re going to be just as ambitious as you likely were when you were just starting out and eager to climb to the top of your career ladder as quickly as possible. Take a moment to look back on those times- didn’t you have visions of eventually seizing the reins of power and filling your boss’s shoes (hopefully as they quietly shuffle out of your way)? Chances are if you’re mentoring someone they’ll likely be harboring the same ambitions.Don’t let this cloud your relationship with them or make you feel threatened and defensive- or worse, make you work against their best interests. Instead, recognize that this is a natural part of the professional cycle. As older employers mature, new employees will enter the field and hopefully gain the necessary skills and experience to one day take control. It happened for you, and one day it’ll happen for them; after all, you won’t be in the world of work forever and likely don’t want to be. The best you can do as a mentor is to help ensure that you’re placing the future of your company and industry in capable hands.Don’t do it for personal gainIn the world of work, most of us are used to the sort of â€Å"quid pro quo† arrangement where both sides get something tangible when taking part in a mutually agreed upon transaction. However, the mentor/mentee relationship is a little bit different. The fact of the matter is, there’s an inherent imbalance (of sorts) when it comes to â€Å"who gets what† here; the mentor typically devotes a significant amount of time and energy to the exchange and the mentee reaps most of the benefits- the knowledge, skills, experience, and opportunities that you’re passing along to them. It is true that mentors get the satisfaction of knowing that they’re â€Å"paying it forward† and helping out the next generation, but make sure that that’s enough of a return on your investment when deciding whether or not to be a mentor. Do it for the satisfaction of helping pave the way for someone else, and not for personal gain.Check yourselfAs we said before, becoming a mentor is a big responsibility and not one to be taken lightly. You’re going to have a real impact on the life of someone in a dependent and impressionable time in their life, so make sure you have enough time and energy to do it well. There’s nothing quite as dispiriting as having a mentor who never seems to have the time to work with you and who you’re always chasing down for help and guidance- or worse, who seems annoyed or put out by your needs. Don’t be that sort of mentor- if you commit to doing it, make sure you’re doing so with the understanding that you’re going to have to carve out a significant amount of your time and resources towards being a good and reliable source of support and guidance all the way through.Being a mentor can be a challenging role, and often the rewards aren’t immediately tangible. However, when done properly, being a positive mentor to an eager and excited individual can be an extremely rewarding and fulfilling experience. If you’re going to be a mentor, then commit to being a good one, and use the strategies and advice presented here to help you along the way.